Prue Lonergan - Regional Director for Isaac

Prue’s career has spanned aviation, mining and agriculture.  During 2008, Prue established the company, 2PL Enterprises, with her husband which includes: consulting, contract spraying, and beef production. In 2020, the contract spraying business was expanded to include weed detection and mapping services using drone and sensor technology. Prue now holds the position of Chief Remote Pilot under the company’s Remote Air Operator’s Certificate.

Prue is passionate about rural Australia, with many years of volunteering in community organisations. Prue has established a registered charity to support rural patients, held many volunteer executive roles within associations to advocate, support and facilitate community outcomes.

Prue’s cross industry experience and small business ownership brings an extremely flexible and transferable skill set, the ability to connect with small business owners and larger corporations alike.

Lauren Pattie